First time, the WHO defines sexual addiction as a mental disorder

[ad_1] – Compulsive badual behavior known as badual addiction has recently been clbadified as a mental illness for the first time.

This is done by the World Health Organization (WHO) a few weeks after its entry (19459003)

Can not Control

According to the WHO, a person experiences a badual addiction if it shows a pattern of inability to control intense badual urges and again or again or the impulse produces repeated badual behavior.

People with this disease usually neglect their health and personal responsibility. While the main focus is bad

Diagnosis 6 months

Despite the above behavior, a person can only be called bad addiction if it occurs for at least six months.

should be clearly visible for six months or more and cause difficulties in personal life.

This stage of the WHO does not coincide with the opinion of the American Psychological Association. This psychological institution does not consider badual addiction as a mental disorder.

Also read: The Secret Documents of Anne Frank Revealed, Its Content Smelling Sex

Often Hidden

Nevertheless , what the WHO does is welcomed by some circles. One of them is Dr. Valerie Voon, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the leading psychiatric organization in England

Dr. Voon mentions that between two and four percent of Britons are likely to be addicted to bad

. is something that is embarrbading and often drug addicts are not advanced (in medicine), "said Voon quoted from The Sun Monday (07/09/2018).

" Add this to the WHO list is a step which is great for the patient as this allows him to recognize that he is suffering from problems – he is coming out of the shadows and can ask for help He continued.


Dr. Voon says that this behavior can be treated in conjunction with conditions such as depression and anxiety disorder.

In addition to Dr. Voon, Ammanda Major of Relate Charity also welcomes this approach from WHO. 2] "We hear a lot of people who can not control their badual behavior," he said, quoted by NY Post Monday (09/07/2018)

"This is often a negative impact on their lives the welfare of a spouse or a family, "he added

Some People

This situation is also lived by some community leaders.One of them is the famous comedian Russell Brand.

Posted from Sputnik News Monday (07/09/2018), Brand Recognized as a Magazine US Weekly in an interview in 2017

The same goes for actress Jada Pinkett Smith.This recognition of Smith is given in his latest series Facebook Watch Red Table Talk

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