Fish oil supplements not helpful for heart health? – Health


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-> – Omega-3 fish oil supplements are said to protect heart health, but experts have proved otherwise, that fish oil is not beneficial for heart health.


" We think this review goes against the popular belief that omega-3s are a supplement that protects the heart. This systematic review includes information from thousands of people over the long term. information available, we do not see any protective effect (of fish oil), "said Cochrane senior author Dr. Lee Hooper of East Anglia University BBC

Hooper said the opportunity to benefit from consumption of omega-3 fish oil only one to 1000.

"This study provides evidence that taking omega-3 supplements 3 such as fish oil, EP A, or DHA, has no benefit for heart health or reduces the risk of stroke. "In fact, the researchers say, some fish contain chemicals that can be harmful if they are consumed in large quantities, for example sharks, marlin and swordfish, the researchers believe that fish oil is still recommended as part of a healthy diet and good functions for health. "Omega-3s are important for the body to maintain eye health, immune function and the brain, so it's not all about the heart, "said Dr. Carrie Ruxton of the Health and Food Supplements Information Service.

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