Fixed Tips Watching the 2018 World Cup Semifinals


Do not let the soft body spoil your moment of watching the World Cup semi-finals. Based on the suggestion dr. Vita, here are some tips you can apply to resolve the complaint:

1. Drink a lot of water

The study published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2012 states that a drop of 1.5% in the water content in the body will result in chaos in the mood and body

. more white can meet the needs of bodily fluids, especially for those who have a lot of activity. At least, drink 8 glbades of water a day. But if your activities a lot, can consume more water, "said dr. Vita.

2. Consumption of Vitamin B12 Food Sources

The body needs vitamin B12 to produce red blood cells, and keeps the neurons functioning properly. Vitamin B12 can be obtained from sardines, salmon, tuna, beef and milk

3. Managing stress

The prolonged stress causes an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol. This condition that causes people less excited, to feel the weak body. To overcome the situation, dr. Vita advises: "Try meditation for 15 minutes every day, concentrate on your breathing and your body."

4. Enough Rest

As mentioned above, lack of sleep or too much sleep can lead to body fatigue. Therefore, sleep with the most ideal duration, 8 hours a day or according to your state of health.

5. Increase to eat fruits and vegetables

Instead of eating sugar and coffee to defeat the soft body, it is better to eat fruits and vegetables. In this way, your body will receive a sufficient supply of nutrients, so that soft-body complaints do not occur later. As a bonus, eating enough vegetables and fruits can also reduce the risk of obesity.

Do not let the body weaken the moment of the semifinal semifinal of the World Cup that takes place only four years. Do the above tips carefully, and do not hesitate if you want to consult the doctor more, if you feel the symptoms of weakness of the body.

Author: Bobby Agung Prasetyo. Source:

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