Forget clean makeup during sleep? Here's what you should do


PortalMadura.Com – A clean face without makeup during sleep is a compulsory thing to do to maintain the beauty of the facial skin. But sometimes, the number of activities all day outside the house are tiring so forget yourself and fall asleep without cleaning your face. When that happens, you do not have to worry. Here are some things you can do to save your skin after sleeping as you use makeup.

Let alone sleep, if you do not clean daily eyeliner and mascara at risk of various eye health problems. Eyeliner and mascara can rub against a pillow, get into the eye, and cause eye irritation. In addition, mascara also creates clogged eyelash follicles and makes eyelashes brittle, brittle and fall at a low price. So, what to do?

Once awake, immediately clean your eye makeup with makeup remover and cleanser. Do it gently because the area of ​​the eye and its surroundings tend to be softer when you wake up. After cleaning the eye makeup, use eye drops to avoid irritation.

As good as the lipstick you wear, you will not want lipstick to end up contaminating your pillowcase and bolsters? Unconsciously, it's the first thing that happens when you fall asleep with a lipstick.

Well, for the effect you will feel on the lips, it depends on the type of lipstick you use. If you use a lip gloss or lip balm, your lips will be safer than when you use matte lipstick. However, falling asleep using any type of lipstick can basically dry out and crack the lips.

If this happens, in addition to immediately cleaning up the rest of the lipstick, the most important thing to do is restore lip hydration. Adjust the condition of your lips with the used lip moisturizer. If the lips are very dry, use a thicker moisturizer or treat your lips with a mask for the lips. Do not forget to rest your lips with any type of lipstick for the next 24 hours.

Foundation and oil-based primer are two things that can cause many unwanted effects if they are not cleaned before going to sleep. The problem is, these two products have closed the pores of our faces all day and have been exposed by pollutants, bacteria, until the fungus that can bring adverse effects on the skin. The first thing that will happen is that the skin does not renew itself, so it will look duller. Then, makeup products can clog pores, causing rashes and acne. In addition, the facial skin will become dry due to the lack of moisturizer and easier wrinkles due to the damage caused by collagen.

Thus, the first step to perform is a double cleaning. Use a cleaner containing oil, then continue with a light cleaner.

After a clean face, continue the treatment by exfoliating the facial skin with a gentle scrub, restoring the pH of the skin and ending with the use of your favorite facial mask. In addition to taking care of the face as a whole, you should also be careful to know if there are dry spots or candidates on the face. Immediately make localized treatment for the most problematic areas.

In addition to skin care first, do not forget to replace the pillowcase you are wearing. This will be useless if you have cleaned your face properly, but the pillowcase you are using still has residual makeup.

Finally, do not forget to keep your skin clean and the things you wear to have a healthier skin. These are the tips you can try if you forget to clean your face before going to bed. Hopefully useful. ( )

Does the post office forget its makeup while sleeping? Here is what you should do first on .
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