Four Keys to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease | Republika online


60% of Americans consider Alzheimer's as a natural disease.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Alzheimer's disease has infiltrated earlier around the age of 30 to 40 years. But a new study says that it can prevent brain changes that lead to Alzheimer's disease as early as possible.

Alzheimer's Disease Can Be Prevented By Increasing Brain Power Based On The News Men's health, a survey found that 60% of Americans consider Alzheimer's disease a natural disease with age.

But this is denied by scientists around the world. The director of the Medicine Prevention Clinic, Weill Cornell, Richard Isaacson, said that the prevention of Alzheimer's disease could be avoided.

"The best time to start prevention and repair plans for the brain can be done now," Isaccson said.

Changes in the brain that can cause cognitive impairment can begin at the age of 30. But if the age of a person starting out younger or older is not a problem. Because there is no age neither too early nor too late to promote brain health.

Scientists divide four specific recipes into the prevention of Alzheimer's disease by specifically strengthening brain health. This method is related to the consumption of food to fitness. See the explanation.


The movements are essential to cleaning amyloid plaques in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. Until now, no drug could reduce amyloid levels. The only way to reduce levels is to move or do physical activity.

One study found that people who travel actively are 35% less likely to experience cognitive decline in the brain. Perform physical activities, such as running, dancing, playing with pets. Get used to moving 20 to 30 minutes each day. So, keep going!

Activate the power of the mind

One way to prevent dementia is to activate the power to think or challenge the mind. This activity should not solve the problem of crosswords. Remembering the names of many people to read novels that stimulate the mind can be done.

Sleep enough

Reduce the necessary sleep hours is not good. Make sleep one of the priority activities. Before going to bed, avoid digital devices for at least half an hour before closing your eyes.

To sleep well, set an alarm to sleep about 30 minutes to an hour before going to bed. So, sleep can be done regularly.

Smart Eating Foods

Until now, no type of food could prevent or cure cognitive disorders. But a healthy diet can help. Based on several studies, there are different types of foods that can improve memory and brain health. These foods include berries, green vegetables, fish and whole grains. Reduce foods containing saturated and trans fats.

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