Free, people can vaccinate against measles and rubella


Report of journalist, Rahmaliyah, PALEMBANG – Vaccination against measles and rubella (MR) is an activity not to be missed. Considering the importance of the administration of the vaccine by the Provincial Health Office of South Sumatra, the government will organize a simultaneous vaccination from 1 to 30 September 2018.

Immunization activities will be conducted in particular in public and private schools. In addition, in September carried out in health facilities such as in hospitals, polys, clinics, posyandu, puskesmas and so on.

"Yes, we will hold the immunization simultaneously and free of aliases without aliases." Lesty Nurainy, head of the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office, Lesty Nurainy, at the provincial health office office in the province of South Sumatra, Monday (30/7/2018)

Lesty explained that if the vaccine was administered the MR used is a combined measles / measles (M) and rubella (R) vaccine, specifically for protection against measles Rubella The MR vaccine is 95% effective against measles and rubella. "We hope people will not have to worry about it, there is no reason for it. Side effects in MRI vaccination, even if a mild fever, red rash, mild swelling and pain in place are injected after vaccination. It's a normal reaction that usually disappears 2 to 3 days later, "he said.

In addition, immunization by MR is given to all children of elderly men and women from 9 months to less than 15 years old. However, this should be a concern when vaccinations ensure that the child is in good health, if being in an unhealthy state can be postponed until health.

Meanwhile, for simultaneous immunization activities, it targets about 2,239,582 children. The amount is divided into 17 districts / cities in South Sumatra. With details of 401,792 children for Palembang, then Prabumulih 50,540 children, Pagar Alam 35,156 children, Lubuk Linggau 62,174 children, Muratara 56,079 children, Pali 58,837 children, OKU 95,823 children [19659003] Then, OKI 223,687 children, Muara Enim up to # 39, to 175,011 children, Lahat 107,642 children, Musi Rawas 107,116 children, Musi Banyuasin 180,713 children, Banyuasin 233,213 children, South OKU 96,457 children, OKU Tmur 171,788 children, Ogan Ilir 114,976 children and Quatre Lawang 68,578 children (cr26)

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