Free view with Lasik


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THE INTERFERENCE OF DISEASE affects the disruption of various daily activities and declines in quality of life. Lasik technology can be the solution of the problem.

Refractive disorder is one of the disorders of vision, that is to say a disturbance of the refraction of light. Refraction can not be focused on the retina, although the refractive medium is clear. This certainly has a negative impact on daily activities that require a vision function, such as mobility, participation in social activities and other aspects of quality of life. Automatically the ability of a person to do the work, fill the free time, or do daily activities become clogged. The most common cause of vision loss in the world was an uncorrected refraction of 42%, followed by 33% cataract and 2% glucome.

Whereas 18% can not be determined and 1% is a visual impairment since childhood. Dr. Zoraya Ariefia Feranthy SpM reveals, there are various refractive disorders that is, nearsightedness, the shadow of a distant object concentrating in front of the retina on an uncomplicated eye.Hyperopia or Hyperopia or Farsightedness is an eye refractive disorder, in which the shadow of a ray that enters the eye that falls behind the retina. Finally, astigmatism. "This is a visual disturbance caused by abnormalities in the curvature of the lens or cornea resulting in distorted or fuzzy images," said Dr. Zoraya

. Options for treating refractive disorders include eyeglbades, contact lenses and refractive surgery. -PRK, PRK, clear lens extraction. Lasik is a laser-badisted keratomillator that combines the method of making a flap (thin film) on the cornea and a laser to change the curvature of the cornea to correct refractive disorder.

Trans-PRK is an innovative method of laser surgery. by any device other than laser. While PRK or photorefractive keratectomy is a method by removing epithelial cells or clearing the layers on the surface of the eye and repair the corneal tissue by laser. "Still different with clear lens extraction (CLE) which is a clear method of removing crystalline lenses," Beber dr Zoraya. Dr. Sophia Pujiastuti SpM (K) MM, founder and ophthalmologist of the SILC Lasik Center Ophthalmic Clinic in Tijar, said eye health plays an important role in life because the eye is the window of the world. the tools will make life more qualified. He explained that lasik is a refractive surgery technology that would improve the quality of life because, after the action of lasik, the patient no longer depends on tools (glbades and contact lenses).

"It gives a new spirit, but there are some terms and criteria in doing lasik," said Dr. Sophia. Among them, myopia – 1.00 D at -13.00 D, astigmatism -1.00 D at – 5.00 D, hyperopia + 1.00 D at + 4.00 D , as well as correction of stable refractive disorder (6-12 months).

In addition, must be more than 18 years old because of the size of the refractive correction or the size of the glbades has not been stable so that it is to be feared will appear refractive errors / size of the new glbades after Lasik. Patients are also required not to be pregnant or badfed and no abnormalities or health problems, especially eye health such as cataracts, glaucoma, infections or retinal problems.

However, it is undeniable that the cost of lasik action is very high. do this action. Other obstacles, the fear of surgery and the results of the pralactic examination are considered impracticable.


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