Fresh Benefits of Cucumber Juice for Beauty Skin



To get a beautiful and healthy skin, you really do not need too much in your pocket. Try using only natural ingredients in the kitchen, for example using cucumber or cucumber .

The fresh sensation given by cucumbers applied to the surface of the skin also provides more value like. This even equates to the use of a variety of factory-made cosmetics that cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What are the benefits of using cucumber for the beauty of the skin? (19459006) Whitening / Lightening the Skin

Cucumber juice can help lighten your dark skin from sunburn. The antioxidant content of cucumber is good for the skin to counter the effects of free radicals more easily.

When it is added to grated potato raw, cucumber juice can stimulate melanin production for the skin to be lighter or white. Wearing masks of cucumber juice and potatoes will also prevent hyperpigmentation or darkening of the skin.

Toner / Moisturizer

The liquid and antioxidant content of cucumbers can help hydrate. In addition, there is also a helpful anti-bacterial acne cure and inflammation of the skin when it is injured. Use a mask of cucumber juice regularly to get clean, acne-free skin.


If you work frequently outdoors, the skin is often exposed to pollution and heat. To soothe stressful skin, use cucumber juice. Its nutritional content is able to prevent inflammation and soothe the skin. Thus, the skin is spared by premature aging.

Scars Disappear

Expose the cucumber juice on the almost recovered scar, so that it does not leave a troublesome scar later.


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