George Taka is dead, why can a heart attack be affected?


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – As reported by TEMPO.CO, George Taka died of a heart attack. How can one really have a heart attack?

Read also: George Taka died of a heart attack and had been treated

As indicated by the Mayoclinic page, a heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs when the blood supply usually feeds the heart with a cutoff in oxygen and the heart muscle begins to die.

Healthline further indicates that a heart attack occurs when one or more of your coronary arteries are blocked due to a pile of plaque fragments that has occurred before. This condition blocks blood flow into the coronary arteries, so the heart no longer receives nutrients. In America, a heart attack occurs every 40 seconds.
George Taka died of a heart attack (Instagram)
Many heart problems can cause a heart attack. One of the most common causes is the buildup of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis) that prevents blood from entering the heart muscle.

Heart attacks can also be caused by blood clots or torn blood vessels. There are also other rare causes, namely heart attacks caused by spasms of blood vessels.

The symptoms of a heart attack sometimes do not appear in everyone. But in some people, the warning can be recognized. For example, chest pain, upper body pain, sweating, nausea, tiredness, difficulty breathing.

A heart attack is a serious medical emergency. Seek immediate medical attention if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms that may indicate a heart attack.

Read also: Heart attack, is it true that cheese can reduce the risk?


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