Give me these 4 causes of acne that grow on the lips


Acne is indeed a problem for some people. His presence is certainly not self-confident. Generally, acne appears in the area of ​​the cheek, forehead, nose and chin. But do you know that deterrence

The most common cause of acne, it is because of the hygienic factors. Even so, the appearance of acne in the lip area could also be due to other factors. Here are some causes of acne on the lips, so you can also conclude how to get rid of acne itself.

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1. Unbalanced Hormones

The appearance of acne in this region is usually affected by androgenic hormones that increase dramatically, so that acne eventually appears around the lips. In addition to puberty, menstruation and also obesity often trigger the onset of androgenic hormonal imbalance

2. Excessive Stress

In addition, the appearance of acne around the lips due to excessive stress. It is still closely linked to hormonal imbalance. The burden of the mind that can cause a person too much stress.

If that was the case, inevitably the levels of hormones in the body became unbalanced, so that the appearance of acne was already inevitable again. Overcoming the onset of acne in the area of ​​the lips caused by stressors is actually quite easy anyway. One of them refreshing at various exciting places or simply doing activities that are favored.

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3. Toothpaste

get rid of acne 2018

Toothpaste can also be an acne trigger in the area of ​​the lips. Incompatibility factor with any of the contents of the toothpaste that causes acne to appear in the area around the lips.

Therefore, it is important for us to choose the right toothpaste. For added safety, choose a toothpaste that does not contain detergent.

4. Eating spicy and oily foods

Too often, eating spicy and oily food can also bring acne to the area around the lips. Myths about eating spicy and oily foods can cause acne is not always true. However, this can happen to some women, especially those with allergies in both types of foods.

In addition, the combination of spicy and oily foods is known to have a high fat content which, if consumed too much acne

5. Signs of Constipation

Probably not many know that one of the causes of acne on the lips is because you are experiencing constipation or constipation. Someone is said to be constipated if less than a week to defecate less than three times

Scientifically, there is no research that officially states that acne on the lips really indicates that someone suffers from constipation. Even so, this myth is still believed by many people so far due to the coincidence.

Acne that appears on the lips certainly a very disturbing comfort. Therefore, knowing what causes it is so important that we can prevent it.

Source: [mg2]

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