Guys, these 5 signs can make your body vitamin D deficiency

[ad_1] – Friend Prima Watch the health always yes, do not let the body run out of vitamin D LOH. Lack of sunshine is not the only cause of an insufficient amount of vitamin D in your body. The vitamins that work are very important for calcium absorption and maintaining bone strength can also be a little if your food intake is not correct. The body changes due to vitamin D deficiency. Want to know what are the changes in the body as well as a sign if you are missing vitamin D? See the answer below.

1. You always feel sad and easily depressed

Serotonin is a brain hormone related to mood, the number of which will increase if you are exposed to the sun and vice versa. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, people with low levels of vitamin D were 11 times more likely to be depressed.

2. often feel pain in the bone

A vitamin D deficiency can cause osteoporosis and weakening of the bones. Thus, when you feel a sore or painful bone, it is usually linked to vitamin D deficiency.

3. The body feels weak

Harvard researchers have discovered an badociation between vitamin D supplements and increased muscle control. Vitamin D can help you stay in control of your body's muscles. If your body has enough vitamin D, it is impossible for you to feel weak and weak.

4. Sweating more than usual

Sweating has been reported as one of the first signs of vitamin D deficiency. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have indicated that it was one of the first ways to detect this problem in infants. When you are relaxed, but you sweat excessively, your vitamin D intake is lacking.

5. Stomach problems

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You must know that vitamin D is a lipidic solvent. Therefore, if you have digestive problems, it is very likely that you lack vitamin D. This condition is usually called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Therefore, fill the need for vitamin D to get a healthy body to the fullest. Always take care of all your health, friend Prima, because she is very very healthy.

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