Half Basti Ebola in Congo, a health expert sends a vaccination test


Liputan6.com, Brazzaville – Health experts send experimental vaccines to the region of the Democratic Republic of Congo as central to the Ebola epidemic. The decisive triumph has been promising in times of uncertainty

[VOAIndonesia The Democratic Republic of Congo Fights the Ninth Ebola Epidemic, and Health Experts Strive for a sent an experimental vaccine against the deadly virus in its early stages.

Although the vaccine was not approved, health authorities sent 7,500 doses, because the vaccine was successful when a 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa

Vaccines are distributed in the three most affected areas of the country, all of which are transport centers.

The strategy involves researchers working around those who have been infected, vaccinating high-risk individuals who have direct contact with the person. infected, then, those that they contacted.

Dr. Michael Yao of the WHO said:

"Most of the p a positive outlet we found, at least 50 percent as a result of direct exposure."

Dr. Iza Ciglenecki, who works with Médecins Sans Frontières, says the success of the strategy depends on the speed with which health workers find people at risk

"If we find a new epidemic before the disease develops, we can treat patients, "says Dr. Iza Giglenecki.

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Six Congolese people are known to be infected with the Ebola virus. This disease is widespread in many African continents, unfortunately until now there is no cure for it.

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