He comes in second trimester pregnancy


Wow, the age of moms has entered 4 months! In the second trimester of this pregnancy, there are things that also occur in the uterus such as fetal development. In the second quarter, you can see more changes that occur of course. What changes have you experienced? Here is the explanation, moms.

The location of the placenta

Dr. Dinda Derdameisyah, Sp.OG explains that the location of the placenta becomes one of the most important views during an ultrasound examination. If the placenta is disturbed, the food is not well received by the fetus and will affect its development.

Air Amniotic

If the amount of water in the uterus is normal, of a thickness of about 10-20 cm, it means that your fetus is fine. In addition to being a protector of impact, the amniotic fluid also protects the umbilical cord from drying out. The umbilical cord may interfere with the delivery of oxygen to the fetus.

Fetal and Fetal Organs

In this second trimester, you can also see clearly how are the fetal organs. In addition, you can see the approximate bad of the fetus. And, do not forget to check the pressure and vital signs during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Growth

Routine checks are necessary to monitor the progress of pregnancy. Recent research found, in the second trimester, the possibility of Down syndrome was detectable. This is seen from the shadow that lies behind the cervix of the uterus. (M & B / Lucky Vonia / SW / Doc. Freepik)

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