Here are 6 facts Breastfeeding Mothers You Need to Know


6 Facts About Breastfeeding You May Not Know About:

Increased Calcium Requirements Most pregnant and lactating women in India have low calcium intakes. Data from 10 Indian states showed that calcium intake for women during pregnancy and badfeeding was only 400 mg while they required 1200 mg of calcium per day. day.

Calcium needs in babies Babies need 200 to 300 mg of calcium a day from bad milk for the first six months. Calcium is important for helping babies develop strong bones and teeth. Teeth and bones contain 99% of body calcium.

Higher postpartum calcium loss The loss of calcium is four times higher for nine months of lactation than during pregnancy. The loss of bone mineral density can be avoided with calcium intake.

Daily Calcium Loss Because exclusive badfeeding is a necessity for infants, a lot of calcium is lost from the mother's body every day. A woman who is badfeeding can lose 200-300 mg per day while badfeeding.

Adequate calcium intake is necessary, since adequate calcium intake in nursing mothers is important for calcium-rich bad milk and for the prevention of osteoporosis which is a medical condition caused by a deficiency in calcium.

Bone Mbad Loss The body of a mother must work overtime to meet badfeeding needs. Because studies have shown that women often lose 3 to 5% of their bone mbad for six months of badfeeding to meet the baby's growing calcium needs, the mother's food is important for baby foods.

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