How to avoid the risk of hypertension at any age



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Tuesday, 10th of July 2018 | 00:02 WIB
Read: 128 Visitors

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[NEWSmedia] – Currently, an elderly or young person tends to suffer from hypertension. This is because they often still ignore a healthy lifestyle, when that needs to be done.

Well, you should really control the potential for hypertension so as not to trigger a bad danger. For example, hypertension is one of the risk factors for a person with cardiovascular disease.

Do not let the incidence of hypertension if you do not want to receive adverse effects. Especially for people with a history of high blood pressure tersbut. For this, do the following five ways to avoid the risk.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

To prevent high blood pressure, the main thing to do is to keep your ideal weight. Worry, if someone is overweight often triggers hypertension. Plus, if you eat randomly, like to avoid junk food, soft drinks, packaged food, etc.

Consumption of Balanced Nutritious Foods

A person who likes to eat healthy and nutritious food. Every day, do not forget to eat vegetables and fruits, as well as a sufficient intake of beef protein, chicken or fish. Stay away from high calorie foods if you want to avoid potential hypertension.

Reducing the Consumption of Salty Foods

For many people who like to consume low-sodium foods, they can maintain normal blood pressure. Meanwhile, the higher the sodium intake, the higher the blood pressure. Then you can reduce total salt consumption, avoiding preserved foods for example. Not enough, you should also avoid the consumption of foods containing high MSG because in addition to doing addiction, can also cause blood pressure disorders.

Exercise regularly

It is important to prevent hypertension. So make daily light physical activity to prevent the risk of high blood pressure. At least in one day do light exercises, such as cycling, running, gym, yoga, brisk walking, etc.

Limiting alcoholic beverages

Drinking too much alcohol can cause hypertension. For women and men, limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages every day. Better, you choose to drink more useful wine. One of them that can protect the health of your heart. [okz]

Publisher: Mulyadi


How to avoid the risk of hypertension at any age

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