If a mother coughs and is cold, can she continue breastfeeding?


SRIPOKU.COM – Nursing mothers are usually anxious when coughs and colds have already struck. The baby is worried about bad milk.

From now on, stop feeling anxious and continue feeding your baby, even if coughs and colds run. Antibodies in bad milk can actually protect the baby from the infectious diseases you have.

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Here are 5 good reasons to continue badfeeding small although you cough and cold: [19659002] 1. Antibodies are good for bad milk
Touching and rubbing a baby while he coughs can transmit the disease you are suffering from.

But bad milk has antibodies that transfer proteins and can fight diseases. the baby.

If you continue to badfeed, your baby is unlikely to have coughs and colds. Therefore, it is advisable to recommend badfeeding

2. Help baby to stay in nutrition

Babies should receive enough food from you through bad milk. It is likely that nutrients obtained from bad milk are higher than those from other foods

3. Give comfort to moms and little ones
The stretching of the body by the lactating activity can trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin

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