TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The growing number of cancer incidents in Indonesia and around the world has spawned its own fears.
It's been decades since the fight against cancer, but the death toll is still high.
The field of cancer therapy continues to be manufactured to produce effective anticancer therapy
In recent years, the world of research has begun to build high hopes on immunotherapy which is now a new hope for cancer patients
Andhika Rachman SpPD FKUI KHOM / RSCM, said that immunotherapy has the same goal with cancer treatment that was developed previously, the target therapy.
This means that the therapy is targeted directly at the targeted cancer cells. , the concept is slightly different.
Read: Four Signs of Moles Malignant Cancer Symptoms to Watch
Immunotherapy allows immune cells to be more active against cancer cells
Immunotherapy breaks the link between PD-1 (Programmed Cell Death-1) which is the surface receptor of T cells in the immune system, with PD-L1 (Programmed Death-Ligand 1) on the surface of cancer cells
When PD- 1 and PD-L1 bind, T cells are unable to recognize cancer cells resulting in the inability to kill cancer cells as it should.
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