In addition to infection, it is a health problem for children | INews Portal


JAKARTA, – Every parent wants their children to be healthy. However, sometimes the disease and the virus can not be guessed when it comes. Many things that make children susceptible to illness, any of them malnutrition.

Yes, stunting and malnutrition are still a health problem in children who are still often called. But in addition to stunting and malnutrition, there are a number of health problems that are most often experienced by children.

Pediatrician Prof. Dr. dr. Soedjatmiko, Sp.A (K), MSi summarizes three types of health problems that are often experienced by children. Something? Let's see the list as summarized tuesday (24/7/2018).


Dr. Soedjatmiko says, infections are often experienced by children, a condition in which germs enter the body. Usually the infections often experienced by children are the upper airways, measles, up to diphtheria.

"The solution goes back to balanced nutrition, hygiene and vaccination," he added. Soedjatmiko when he is found in the building of the Ministry of Health, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (24/7/2018).

Diarrhea / Gastrointestinal Disorders

Diarrhea has also become one of the diseases caused by infection that attacks the gastrointestinal tract of the child . This could also be due to hygiene problems of the foods eaten by the child, causing diarrhea. Again, nutritional improvement may be the solution

Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders in children are also common. Among autism, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, motor neuron disorders, sensory in children. This condition can be removed if the nutritional intake of the child has been noticed since the uterus or 1,000 Day First Life (HPK).

Author: Tuty Ocktaviany

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