In Riau, 931 children are infected with measles


Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) – At least 931 children in Riau province had measles in January. June 2018.

"The number of these cases is already borne by the health center," said Mimi Nazir, head of the health office of the province of Riau, Pekanbaru Wednesday

. According to the results of blood tests

Measles cases have spread to 12 districts / cities in the province of Riau. The most populated area of ​​the Siak regency has 273 people, followed by the city of Pekanbaru, 252 cases and the municipality of Dumai 118.

Regency of Bengkalis 38 cases, Indragiri Hilir (20), Indragiri Hulu (56) , Kampar (50), Meranti Islands (28), Kuantan Singingi (2), Pelalawan (66), Rokan Hulu (17) and Rokan Hilir (11).

Mimi said that up to 1,955,658 children aged nine months to less than 15 years old in Riau province "The target must be at least 95% of the target," he said.

The Riau Provincial Government is seriously implementing immuno-immunization vaccination for the success of the national program. , to eliminate the control of measles and rubella in Indonesia by 2020.

Special preparations in Riau are ongoing since November 2017, involving many cross-cutting sectors, from the Education Office to the ulama.

See also: Pe mkot Balikpapan gives vaccination against measles in August

Read also: Mukomuko targets 90% of measles vaccinations

See also: Regent Sekadau examines measles epidemics in Nanga Park

Read also: The Ministry of Health takes the example of Asmat [19659002] In August 2018, MRI vaccination campaigns will focus on schools. In this case, the target is the educational institutions, from early childhood, playgroup, kindergarten, elementary, tsanawiyah and equivalent school.

The MRI vaccination program in Riau will be launched on August 1st.

He said that cooperation between all parties, such as the Education Bureau, the Bureau of Culture, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Scout Movement, the PKK, the village apparatus , TNI and Polri (19659002) Mimi suggests, measles or maesles about 89 percent of attacking children aged 0 to under 15 years.

The symptoms of this virus attack can be fever, reddish spots on the body, red eyes, rash on the face and neck, causing inflammation of the brain, pneumonia, dehydration and death.

Rubella disease is more dangerous because of symptoms ranging from fever, mild rash, but 50 percent is not symptomatic.

"More dangerous because this disease can also lead to complications of conbad tubella syndrome, namely infection of rubella in pregnant women.About 77 percent of this syndrome attacks children aged less than 15 years old, "said Mimi.

Publisher: Gilang Galiartha

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