Increased number of HIV-positive people in Jambi due to sex workers and medications – VIVA


VIVA – People with illness Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is increasing in Jambi province. Based on the data, an increase occurred in the district of Sarolangun, Jambi.

According to reports from the Sarolangun District Health Unit in Jambi, by the end of October 2018, there had been eight cases of HIV. This number has increased compared to 2017 which was only two people. Meanwhile, in 2016, there were three people.

Head of the SarPaid District District Health Unit's Control and Disease Eradication (P2PM) Division, Aryadi reported that many cases of HIV reported by local hospitals. The authorities involved reveal diseases caused by drugs, including needles and free bad.

"HIV enters the hospital and patients seeking treatment have increased this year," said Aryadi, Saturday, October 27, 2018.

He said his party had taken preventive measures against people with HIV. One of them is to provide counseling in the community.

"We also recommend that the Prison Institution (LP) checks the detainees, especially the drug prisoners, because they are suspected to be partially transmitted by drug prisoners," he said. -he declares.

At the same time, Arief Munandar, head of the population office and civil registry of Jambi Province (Susdukcapil), explained that it was difficult for his party to eradicate social problems such as bad workers.

He called for coordination between the provincial government and the district / city government to subject injured bad workers to raids. This can be rehabilitated in the women's social institution run by the provincial government of Jambi.

"When the prostitutes were secured instead of being rehabilitated, they made 86% of CSW, they were arrested and paid, and then released," Arief said. VIVA.

According to him, according to data from the report seized in the province of Disdukcapil Jambi in 2017, there are 1,800 people living with HIV in Jambi province. The 2018 data would increase, but the numbers are still being processed. "The information on HIV in 2018 is increasing, but they are still registered again," he said.

Then, says Arief, in every district / town of Jambi, there were many hidden lokalisasis. This must be a record so that people living with HIV can be repressed.

"We are concerned that this disease will spread the HIV virus to the general public if it is not taken seriously. As we all know, the spread of this disease is mainly due to bad workers, "he said.

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