Indonesia is set to rise to the challenge of increasing various diseases


On the other hand, known together, the issue of vaccination or immunization to date has become a controversy for some companies who are reluctant to bring it on their halal status

  L & # 39; Indonesia is called to face various diseases


Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) – According to Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia From 2012 to 2014, since 1990, Indonesia has made great progress in health.

He added that life expectancy was increasing by 8 years and that the burden of infectious diseases such as diarrhea and tuberculosis was decreasing.

Currently, the study on the burden of noncommunicable diseases is based on the Burden of Disease Global Study, among others, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and other diseases. 39; others.

Speaker of the Bambang Soesatyo House of Representatives (Bamsoet) menyampa the fish response, linked to the prevalence of infectious diseases that have not disappeared in Indonesia, as reported in the GBD study which states that the disease of lower respiratory tract infections, diarrhea and tuberculosis are the three leading diseases leading to death and disability in Indonesia

The Speaker of the House of Representatives asked Commission IX of the House of Representatives Representatives encourage the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to take immediate and consistent action to create an accessible community of access to health care, "Bamberg said. 2018)

It is, in his opinion, giving the vaccine free of charge to the public, in order to prevent the resulting consequences, such as poliomyelitis

This, he explained, to prevent the occurrence of infectious or non-infectious diseases. also asked the House of Representatives of Commission IX to encourage the Ministry of Health as well as other relevant bodies to provide advice on the control of the rision (19659006) "In particular the people who live in difficult areas of access to health, "he added.

"Encourage the public to follow the government's maternal and child health program …" he concludes.

On the other hand, known together, the issue of vaccination or vaccination to date has become a controversy for some companies who are reluctant to manage it because of its halal status.

Previously, Nafsiah Mboi also acted as lead author of the study "We must continue to make efforts to reduce infectious infections such as tuberculosis, diarrhea and various health problems of the mother and the mother. # 39; child. At the same time, we must also improve prevention efforts and fight against noncommunicable diseases, whose treatment costs a lot, "he declared (29/06 / 2018), 19659006] The problem, according to him, is more and more complex with the increase in life expectancy in Indonesia, with the challenge of combining various diseases in the elderly population.

The study was published Friday in the journal The Lancet, and is part of the Global Study of Disease Burden (GBD), a comprehensive scientific effort to quantify health conditions around the world.

In this study, Dr. Nafsiah and the team of researchers from IHME and Indonesia, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health, BAPPENAS, the Central Bureau of Statistics , Eijkman Oxford Institute, University of Indonesia and BPJS Health, have studied the caus Deaths and disability of 333 diseases in Indonesia and seven countries.

Abdus Syakur

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