Influenza vaccine for athletes, how important?


Illustration – epochtimes, JAKARTA – Influenza is an acute respiratory disease that is contagious, caused by influenza viruses circulating around the world. The transmission of the virus is very easily done by aerial contact (aerosol) and splashing (droplets) of an infected person.

According to WHO, an estimated 500,000 deaths from influenza each year. Everyone (including healthy ones) can get the flu and complications can occur especially in high-risk groups – children, people over 65, people with chronic diseases and pregnant women.

"The complications of the flu can be pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections and worsening medical conditions such as congestive heart failure, l '[[AsthmaordiabetesanddeathcbadsooccurasaresultofflucomplicationsDrIrisRengganisSpPDK-AIFINASIMWorkingGrouponAdultImmunizationMonday(16/8/2018)

An athlete is also at risk of contracting the flu because of Frequent movements in different parts of the world – contact with the community and close contact with a teammate or adversary

"Even mild infections can affect the individual performance of the athlete, especially if athletes infected with viruses Influenza can be a source of transmission for other athletes, "Prof. Dr. Mulyana, Deputy MP IV / Achievement Achievement, Kemenpora RI.

Therefore, it is important for athletes to have a good time. to obtain the influenza vaccination organized by the Center for the Development of Science and Technology of National Sports (PP-ITKON) as UPT Kemenpora with Immunization Task Force PBPAPDI at the Adult and Sanofi Pasteur in Indonesia. 59003] Influenza vaccine is administered by intramuscular injection to approximately 120 athletes who will compete in the 2018 Asian Games game.

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