Is Jengkol more effective against cancer than chemotherapy? That said the researcher


BANGKAPOS.COM – Jengkol is not a new type of food for Indonesians.

It is even known that various parts of the country are very fond of jengkol, for example in Padang, Jakarta and southern Kalimantan.

But recently, there were a lot of messages posted on Whatsapp that mentioned that this typical smelling food can kill cancer cells.

Unmitigated, even called 10,000 jengkol more effective than chemotherapy.

Is it true jengkol? can fight against cancer cells

According to the Swedish Health Institute, the Institute of Health Sciences, jengkol has proved to have excellent nutritional content.

Not only contain protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron, jengkol also contains many vitamins. ] Vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin C (most of its contents) can be found in jengkol

Jengkol (

The compounds contained in this jengkol that can provide benefits to the body including killing cancer cells.

This fact is also reinforced by the research results of the University of Science of Malaysia

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