It happens to the body if you overestimate the papaya


TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – Eating fresh fruit is said to have a positive impact on the health of the body.

However, not all fruits can be eaten raw or too much.

There are a number of side effects that will be obtained from consuming too much or too much papaya.

Do you want to know what side effects occur when eating too much papaya?

Read: The papaya apparently has the effectiveness to prevent strokes Lho

know the following because it is stolen from the page

Makes a miscarriage

The fruit of the papaya can often cause latex allergies in individuals who may be in the mother as well as the unborn baby.

Papain enzymes present in the pepate can inhibit progesterone during fertilization and poison the fetus by causing birth defects.

Digestive Problem

Papain the same thing can calm the stomach and cause indigestion if it is consumed excessively.

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