It's a good time for the love to be more intimate


JAKARTA – Having bad gives a lot of benefits. In addition to good health, this activity makes couples more intimate. But at the right time to have bad with the couple so intimate.

It was revealed by Alisa Vitti, the author of a book entitled Woman Code. Postponing the New York Post, estrogen is a bad hormone that gives women a bad drive. This hormone for the purpose of providing stimulation in men.

Because he is intimate, Vitti рun recommends managing the time to have bad according to estrogen levels. So, this way will make bad as emotional as possible. Vitti said that male estrogen levels would increase to 15 hours.

At that time, Vitti suggests that couples take advantage of the time to have bad in the afternoon. As for women, Vitti explains that the time comes months in women as fluctuating hormones affecting women for bad.

How this is trusted makes women feel happy about their bad life. The greatest badual satisfaction can be obtained within 10 days of ovulation due to the increase in estrogen and testosterone that triggers the desire to have a high bad.


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