It's a mobile phone danger to remember the power


Dangers from Electromagnetic waves of Radio Frequency Cell Phones

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GENEVA – Frequent use of cell phones can result in decreased memory performance in certain parts of the brain. According to some researchers, this decrease in memory is due to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) when using the mobile phone.

A new study conducted by scientists from the Swiss Tropical Institute and Public Health (Swiss TPH) that the so-called appearance of figurative memories, or the ability to remember abstract shapes, can s & # 39; Aggravate if the brain is often exposed to RF-EMF

Researchers have data from more than 700 Swiss adolescents who speak German for 12 months. The study follows the evolution of the results of the 2015 study, with twice the size of the sample and more recent information on the absorption of RF-EMF in the Teen brains during different types of use of different wireless communication devices.

RF-EMF combined in adolescents. "The evidence is clear that radiation has a significant impact on the right half of the brain, where figurative memories are found, among teens holding cell phones on the right ear while having a conversation.

Study results also added that additional research is needed to confirm the importance of the study and to exclude other factors.The survey is expected to be released on July 23 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives

Although Switzerland has changed the frequency allocation by the year 2017 for 5G, the fifth generation of cordless phones has warned that this could harm human health ., since the frequency 5G is designed to even use radio frequencies higher than 4G

Researchers from the group of Physicians for the Protection of the Environment, based in Basel, have warned that the Very short 5G would be absorbed by skin exposed to harmful effects -violet, and 5G may pose an additional cancer risk.

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