Java Sugar is beneficial for the treatment of diabetes?


RAKYATKU.COM – There is a lot of debate about the effects of jaggery or sugar on Java against diabetes. Some say it could be a substitute for sugar, while many say it could make diabetes worse. Which one is right?

Before answering the question, we must understand what is diabetes. It is a disease that occurs when blood sugar (or blood sugar) is too high for long periods

Basically, cells in the human body need glucose to produce energy and get glucose from the foods eaten. This glucose is transported to all the body's cells by the hormone insulin.

But if he has diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin, resulting in a build-up of glucose in the body, which causes an increase in sugar

treated rapidly, the Diabetes can cause serious problems to the eyes, nerves and kidneys. This disease can also cause heart disease and stroke.

There are different types of diabetes, including:

  • Type 1 diabetes, in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
  • Type 2 diabetes in which cells do not respond to insulin properly
  • gestational diabetes, this occurs in pregnant women, due to high blood sugar levels.
  • prediabetes, where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes. Back to the original question, whether sugar is good for diabetics or not?

    Java sugar is supposed to offer little help for diabetes. It is more nutritious than sugar, contains calcium, iron and other essential minerals. Therefore, this sugar does not affect the body as well as sugar.

    But Java sugar is slowly absorbed into the body and continues to raise the sugar level. When consuming java sugar, your body will contain the amount of sugar is almost the same as when you consume white sugar. The only difference is that Java sugar takes a little longer to cause a spike.

    If you do not have diabetes, sugar will be a very good substitute for sugar. But if you have diabetes, you should avoid it, just as you avoid sugar and other related products.

    Another reason is that sugar has a very high glycemic index, whereas a diabetic diet should only contain low glycemic index foods.

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