Jayawijaya will launch a TB prevention movement


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Papua New No. 1 News Portal | Jubi

Wamena, Jubi – Head of the Jayawijaya Health Bureau, dr. Willy Mambieuw said the local government will launch a regional movement of preventive action against tuberculosis next August

At the launch of TB prevention for the next five years, a measles vaccination campaign and the Rubella will be launched in the Jayawijaya region. "This action has been described in the Jayawijaya regulation, the content is related to our planning for the next five years, in five years our goal until 2030 the elimination of tuberculosis is no longer in Jayawijaya, "Willy Mambieuw told reporters at Jayawijaya Regent's office. Thursday (12/7/2018).

He explains that it is a central government program for the elimination of tuberculosis in 2030, so the local government began planning from now on five years what has been done, as well as the next five years until 2030 According to him, the application of the regulations governs on the prevention of tuberculosis is not only supported by the only health service, "For example, l & # 39; Education, the movement undertaken to anticipate what are these activities, as well as the Environment Agency, what they are looking for so that plan of action goes well " , did he declare.

] Assistant W of Setda Jayawijaya, Living Wusono added that in the future the Regent's settlement should be implemented in a wider regional regulation of support

"The existence local regulations means that the support is stronger because the legislature can provide that support, According to him, in the formulation of this movement of preventive action against tuberculosis, there will be sections that will have to be submitted to the provincial government and central, over which the government should badume responsibility at the higher level.

"In addition there are also parts of me it becomes the responsibility of NGOs and there is a part that must be understood by the society, so we hope that the socialization of the regional plan of action with the control of tuberculosis is understood by the whole society so that everything goes well. "(*)


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