Know, drink juice There is also a rule!

[ad_1] – Eating fruit is highly recommended for the body to get the intake of nutrients and vitamins to maintain health. Usually, we will consume fruit in various ways, such as eaten directly, make a salad, or even mengonsumsinya in liquid form, ie juice.

Yes, fruit juice is the most preferred choice by most people. Therefore, in addition to health, drinking juice can also relieve thirst, not to mention ice juice or cold water. Therefore, no wonder if fruit juice is often a prima donna for people who are following a diet program. Because, in a glbad of juice, a person will have a sense of satiety equivalent to eating rice.

However, did you know that drinking juice is not a rule and should not be arbitrary. Because, if we consume irregular juice, instead of health, can actually harm health. So what are the rules? The following are

1. Acid juice not for breakfast

Drinking juice in the morning is the choice most people make. This is done instead of the breakfast menu. In fact, drinking juice in the morning is a good thing, but if the selection of fruit is good. Because, in the morning, it is strictly forbidden to consume juice that has a sour taste because it can hurt the stomach.

2. The juice can not be saved

When you make juice in large quantities, you will probably keep it on the refrigerator, is not it? Yes, it's done to keep the juice fresh and can be consumed again. In fact, there is a limit to store the juice, the maximum is 24 hours. Because, when you store the juice for too long, you risk losing the contents and nutrients, which will not bring you any more benefit.

3. Juice is not a substitute for fruit

This is quite important and needs to be remembered. Juice is not a substitute for fruit, so if you have the idea that consuming juice is enough, then the badumption is wrong. Because, however, the juice is a mixture of several ingredients in one. Therefore, do not equate between juice and fruit.

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