Knowing the trastuzumab cancer drugs that are no longer complete BPJS |


– The Trastuzumab drug recently became popular because it was removed from the list of drugs covered by the Social Security Administrative Organ (SJBP). This cancer drug was suspended on April 1, 2018.

The Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Indonesia, Mahdi Jufri, explains that herceptin or known trastuzumab is a cure for bad cancer patients. The drug is used in conjunction with chemotherapy as a treatment for HER2-positive bad cancer.

Trastuzumab is a safe, quality and effective medicine that must be guaranteed as part of the National Health Service in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on the National Form 2018, scheduled for on December 28, 2017. it explicitly mentions that trastuzumab is administered to patients with metastatic bad cancer with HER2 positive.

<img src = "" alt = "The drug Trastuzumab is effective in prolonging the age of HER2-positive cancer patients.The results of clinical research can actually inhibit metastasis (cancer cell propagation).", Said Mahdi.

The drug is intravenous injections, made in the factory of Roche, European country. Mahdi explained that the drug has become known since the 2000s.

"Its use depends on the clinical situation of the patient, clearly clbadified as hard drug must be prescribed by a doctor," he said.

The average drug injection is administered according to the dose administered by the physician in intravenous fluids. Usually, the administration of the drug is performed weekly with a certain dose depending on the condition of the patient.

(ika / JPC)

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