Late dinner at risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer, here is the explanation


JAKARTA – If you have a late dinner habit, then force yourself to change habits. Because late dinner increases the risk of developing bad and prostate cancer According to experts at the Barcelona World Health Institute, eating time can affect the body's ability to process food. Those who ate dinner before 9 or two hours before bed are 20% more likely to develop the disease Scientists have observed the diet and lifestyle of 621 prostate cancer patients, 1205 bad cancer patients and of 2,193 people. In a study published in the International Journal of Cancer, those who considered themselves "morning types" rather than "owls" were 33% less likely to be exposed to the disease if they ate earlier. Dinner Time Earlier, cancer prevention focused on what was consumed rather than when it was consumed. If these findings are confirmed, they have profound implications for the last important recommendation at mealtime, Prof. Dr. "The impact can be very important in crops like in southern Europe, where people eat late at night," added Kogevinas, adding that "all show that sleep time affects our ability to metabolize food ". According to one of the researchers in the study, further research is needed to add data on animals that show profound implications for food metabolism and health. ***

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