Living in Rural Can Hampers of Dementia in the Elderly – Health


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-> – Spending old age in the countryside away from urban turmoil seems to be everyone's dream, which is amazing according to research, living in rural areas that have more than 40 years of experience. green spaces can inhibit senility in the elderly. These results obtained Carmen de Keijzer and the team after badyzing 6500 people in the United Kingdom aged 45 to 68 years. To badess their cognitive level, the researchers asked respondents to perform cognitive tests at three stages, in order to measure their verbal and mathematical skills in the short term.

"We found that participants living in more plant environments experienced cognitive decline, which is a little slower than those living in arid environments. " Nypost [19459]]

Keijzer adds residency to determine how much a person's cognitive level is." In general, we can conclude that green spaces are beneficial to physical and mental health "

In his research, Keijzer also found respondents who spend their urban years more often with stress and exposure to pollution that contributes to cognitive decline

. that in rural respondents who are still full of trees and plantations, the ability to remember older people is high. "Further research is also needed to establish with certainty that green spaces are causing a slowdown in cognitive decline, "he explained on the benefits of living in rural areas that could inhibit senility in dementia."


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