Lose – Win at Pilkada 2018, Beware of the Emotion of Candidate Pairs


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – On Wednesday, June 27, 2018, some Indonesians will hold the election of regional leaders or elections 2018. Surely, it is a big democratic party for the Indonesian people.

Any form of campaign or support from each pair of candidates has also been proclaimed for some time. The frenzy was not over until the announcement of the 2018 election results was announced.

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A specialist in psychiatric hospital RS Omni Alam Sutera, Andri, explains the euphoria of elections in 2018 from the psychological point of view. According to Andri, many people see that almost every candidate pair will win. In fact, of course, there will be a win and some are losers. "Often, especially if the slight difference in voice between the candidate pairs, will usually cause problems," Andri said June 24, 2018.

Andri also suggested responding to the election event by accepting the defeat well. "Because of the good reception, and also the attitude of the knights, they later show in public accepting the reality of any result, may affect the psychological supporters," he said.

Unwittingly, if the candidate pair can not accept defeat, its supporters will also rebel. This is because the role of the leader himself is a good example. So, these leaders are very important to respond well to defeat.

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Conversely, for the candidate pairs who won the 2018 election also did not need to be too happy. Because victory is a process. And anyway, this victory is a confidence given by the people. "Keep in mind, including for fans, whether win or lose, all decisions must be well received," said Andri.

Andri continued, a good party of democracy, must aim to provide good learning to the community. "Unfortunately, what is often shown to the public is poor learning from the political elites.It is interested, and the group itself," said Andri.

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According to Andri, the political elite often forgets that the disputed power is the mandate of all the people. Finally, Andri hopes that supporters of the Democratic Party tomorrow will receive all the results. No need to worry, to be violent or anarchic. Supposedly, all the results of the existing decisions can be received with a free safe. "I hope that there is no cheating," said Andri who invites the public to escort the 2018 elections.

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