Many do not know! Do not apply to the teeth when Burns arrives, that is Hazards


TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM – When a person is exposed to a hot exhaust or splashed with hot oil, it is not uncommon for people around them directly to take a toothpaste to apply on burnt skin.

Do you know that the action is bad and dangerous?

reported From, burns are tissue damage or tissue loss caused by hot temperatures or very cold temperatures, electricity, chemicals, friction and radiation.

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Burns have varying degrees, also require different actions depending on the affected part, the severity and complications that occur.

Handling burns is basically the same as handling injuries caused by other things that require immediate treatment and handled in sterile or holy pests.

If the burn is covered with toothpaste, the wound is in direct contact with the germs present in the toothpaste.

Do not mention other ingredients in the toothpaste, such as bleach, dyes and other substances that can actually harm and cause new infections in the burn.

Burning the burn with it will also cover the skin and inhibit the fluid coming out of the body, ultimately inhibiting the healing process.

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