Married but still like masturbation, normal? : Okezone Lifestyle


MASTURBASI is closely related to the badual activity of singles. This is probably why you become amazed and confused about how to know when the couple still loves to bad until now. It is not uncommon for many to be hurt because they may think that they are not able to satisfy their partner in bed, so he chose masturbation. Others may badume that masturbation is the same as infidelity, especially if couples imagine others in their badual fantasies.

In fact, does the married couple still like to bad alone is normal? More details similar to excerpt

Couple still love to bad alone that's natural, really!

There are various reasons why a person bads. Maybe they're masturbating to get to know and love their own body. Singles can bad more often to provoke badual arousal during this time without having a partner. For people who are still homeowners, solo bad can also be a safe alternative baduality to prevent the transmission of a venereal disease of a night or couples love.

So, what is the reason that someone who is already in a relationship still likes to bad? Some people can bad for health benefits. Routine masturbation helps women strengthen the badl muscles, reduce menstrual pain and prevent the risk of heart attack. As far as men are concerned, masturbation is useful for improving sperm quality, reducing the risk of prostate cancer, to prevent premature ejaculation.

Others think that they still need to bad while being in a relationship to avoid daily stress and sleep well. Masturbation can increase the production of endorphin hormones that can cause a sense of pleasure and calm. For some people, masturbation can be used as an alternative badual activity as an attempt to prevent pregnancy.

Masturbation is also beneficial for your badual satisfaction and your partner

Some research shows that people who like masturbation can feel more badual satisfaction. During masturbation, you will learn the ins and outs of yourself and will learn more about your ability to maintain bad.

When men are more and more able to survive in bed, it helps to please the couple. Meanwhile, women bad as a way to learn to reach bad more easily. The benefits of each of these masturbations can ultimately help improve the quality of your badual intercourse.

Individual masturbation can also be a preliminary session as a way to increase badual desire before intercourse.

So how do I understand the couple masturbating?

1. Do not disillusioned instantly and angry so catch the wet couple still loves to bad.

2. Speak up and be honest about how you feel when you know your masturbation partner alone.

3. Find out why he is masturbating, but ask when your condition is not emotional. Knowing the answer could make you feel better and relieved.

4. After knowing the answer, try to accept that masturbation is something normal and that it can be done on people who have a spouse or not.

5. In addition, you should also observe if masturbation by a partner affects your bad life together.

6. If masturbation often causes couples to neglect their work or even a reason not to have bad with you, it may be necessary to discuss it further.


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