Medieval stress causes narrowing of the brain


RAKYATKU.COM – A new study has shown an badociation between the stress felt at middle age with memory problems and the loss of brain volume.

This is the first study to examine the potential effects of stress on the brains of middle-aged people, highlighting the health problems caused by stress.

In their study, researchers studied the results of MRI and blood tests in more than 2,000 people. Participants had an average age of 48.5 years and their blood cortisol levels were measured in the morning.

Cortisol is known as a "stress hormone". This often jumps when someone is depressed.

The results showed that individuals in their forties and fifties who had high levels of cortisol had memory problems. The effect is found in men and women.

On the contrary, this does not happen in people (about the same age) who have normal cortisol levels.

In addition, this study links high levels of cortisol to reduced brain volume, which means that stress during middle age can result in contraction of the brain.

This study was published in a medical journal Neurologyand stress the need to engage in stress reduction activities, including adequate sleep, and to change your lifestyle, such as meditation.

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