Mums, these essentials in breast milk


It's nice to have a pretty baby! Moms would like all her nutritional needs to be met, including DHA, AA and also Omega 6, for her intelligence. But you know, these important substances can be obtained for free from your own bad milk? Yes, badfeeding not only increases the link between the mother and the child, but at the same time gives a high nutrient intake to the Petite. For this, get used to badfeeding with bad milk from the beginning.

Breast milk is the best natural food for your baby, moms. In addition to its composition based on infant growth (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and iron), bad milk is also endowed with various protective substances (immunoglobulins, leucocytes, lactoferrin, bifidus factor, lysozyme and taurine). ). Because of its nutritional content, it is important that moms give milk to the little one.

This nutrient (nutrient) in bad milk is very useful for growing flowers. Few:

1. Colostrum : Yellowish viscous liquid produced on maternal alveolar bad cells. Suitable for the digestive capacity of the baby and the renal capacity of the newborn who can not yet receive food in large volumes

2. Proteins : Breast milk proteins are composed of casein (a protein that is difficult to catch) and whey (digestible protein). Unlike cow's milk, the proteins contained in bad milk contain more than 19459004 whey than casein which facilitates the digestion of milk proteins.

3. Lipids : Breast milk is a major producer of energy (calories) and is a very variable nutrient. Easier digested because it is in the form of emulsion. research has shown that infants who are not badfed are more likely to develop coronary heart disease at a young age

4. Lactose : This is the main carbohydrate in bad milk. Its function as a source of energy. The other function is to increase the absorption of calcium and stimulate growth Lactobacillus bifidus .

5. Vitamin A : There are concentrations of 200 IU / dl

6. Iron : Although bad milk contains little iron (0.5-1.0 mg / liter), badfed infants are rarely deficient in iron (anemia). This is because iron in bad milk is more easily absorbed.

7. Taurine : Amino acids and their functions as neurotransmitters play an important role in the cerebral maturation of infants

8. Lactobacillus : The functions inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria Escherichia coli that often cause diarrhea in infants.

9. Lactoferrin : Helps to inhibit bacteria staphylococci and candida fungi

10. Lisozyme : Can knock down the bacterial wall while reducing the incidence of tooth decay and malocclusion (the habit of the tongue pushing forward due to sucking with bottles or bad) .

These substances cause higher bad milk than other milks. Instead, mothers who have badfed exclusively with badmilk for long periods of time will be prevented from possible diseases (including bad cancer).

So, for the growth of your little beloved person, start badfeeding early with healthy, nutritious bad milk, your own bad milk. (M & B / SW / Doc Freepik)

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