National Children's Day, PIJ, highlights the role of parents of children with HIV


Journalist's Report, Jaisy Rahman Tohir

TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM, PAMULANG – The Non-Governmental Organization of the Indonesian Positive Network (JIP) highlights the role of parents in the community. children living with HIV AIDS or people living with HIV met with PIJ Regional Secretary Banten during a discussion on HIV and human rights at H. Saidin , Pamulang, South Tangerang (Tangsel), Monday (23/7/2018). [19659003] The National Child's Day, it highlights the essential parenting role for the survival of HIV-infected children

"The role of the parent important at the time when adolescents need to be treated," he says .

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She reported a case in Tangerang about a HIV-prone child since birth but who can survive until now. MA

His parents encouraged his son to give life advice.

"There is a child who, until high school, still survives, given the same child, if life is not only life, Irwanto and d '. other friends will pbad on the positive message to the community at large so that parents understand the important role that HIV-positive children play

PIJ also highlights the nutrients and medications needed for people living with HIV. indicated that in Banten province, a special hospital for AIDS victims was located in Tangerang District

and asked the government to allow each city to have a specific hospital for HIV. there are already 7,200 people living with HIV and 461 of them are in Tangsel.

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