National Diploma of Seminar, Prodia Peel Autoimmune Disease


TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – Prodia held a national seminar on women's health with the theme "Keep Strong Stay Stay" at Mal Boemi Kedaton on Saturday (28/7). The seminar was attended by 200 participants dominated by women.

The director of marketing communication, Prodia, Reskia Dwi Lestari, said the seminar is a national seminar organized in 22 provinces in Indonesia. Lampung became the 17th province.

The National Seminar is an annual event held by Prodia as a place of education for the people. At this national seminar, Prodia raises the theme of a disease that must necessarily attract the attention of the population to carry out preventive actions since the morning.

Reskia explains, this national seminar is about autoimmune which is a weakened immune system disease. . The disease is not yet known for its causes, so it is important for the population to obtain information on autoimmune disease.

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Autoimmune diseases are often systemic lupus erythematosus. often called lupus and rheumatoid arthritis or commonly known for rheumatism.

In fact, there have been more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases. One of them is lupus disease which has an incidence rate of 0.5% of the total population.

It is also known that the prevalence of autoimmune diseases in women is higher in number than in men. The lack of education for autoimmune diseases has led locals to not pay attention to autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Yusuf Aulia Rahman SpPD describes pathophysiology, autoimmune types, risk factors, diagnosis, prevention, and management. According to Dr. Joseph, one type of research proves that vitamin D deficiency is one of the risk factors of a person affected by this disease and that few people know about it

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Not only autoimmune at this seminar is exposed also information related to cancer of the cervix of the uterus. Cancer has become one of the most deadly diseases with high incidence rates

Indonesia has become the second highest country in the case of cervical cancer. ;uterus. Every year, no less than 15,000 cases of cervical cancer have occurred in Indonesia

Dr. Ratna Dewi Puspita Sari SpOG describes the pathophysiology of cervical cancer, risk factors, the prevention and diagnosis of cervical cancer of the uterine cervix. The incidence of cervical cancer makes that women have to be very careful in protecting the fresh lifestyle.

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