Nevus of Hori Flori hardly eliminated, these signs of emergence of nebulous spots of Hori on the faces

[ad_1] | SURABAYA – The spots on the skin, especially in the face is one of the biggest enemies of the enemy. Because stains reduce the level of trust.

The spots on the skin usually appear during the puberty phase. However, this does not mean that the skin of adult women will not get stains. One of the most dangerous types of spots that disturb women's beauty is Hori's Nevus.

"Hori's nevus is brown to gray and often appears on the skin of the cheek. Hori's nevus appears at puberty. Ellen Sidowati, Consultant in Dermatology and Aesthetics Skin A.

Ellen, her familiar salvation, reveals the beginning of the emergence of hormonal spots of Horus, characterized by symmetrical small dots on the cheeks.

Flori Hori nevus sometimes, it appears on the skin of the temples, nose, eyelids and forehead.

"Flori Hori's nevus is harmless, but very disturbing because of his presence in the face," he says. which is difficult to remove because the spots are located on the dermis of the skin.Therefore, it takes special treatment using a laser to disguise the color.

"Hori, Nevu's can not disappear quickly because the pigment is trapped under the skin." Genetic factors can trigger the emergence of hormonal spots, but Ellen, if she has been exposed to hormonal spots, a powerful treatment with a laser treatment. The spots will not disappear before old age

"Genetic factors play an important role in the emergence of Hori's nevus.It's never removed this type of theft will continue to exist for life, "he explained.

Relative to manipulation, Ellen revealed that everyone is different.At least four times the treatment of the color of the spots can disappear.All the different point of the problem of fleknya, depending also on the answer and the depth of the pigment.

"Stain handling should be done as soon as possible.Do not wait for the color to go away and clear up.After doing the stain removal treatment, Ellen did call to not use night cream or makeup because the laser effect to hurt the skin, the use of night cream and makeup even make the skin infected. 19659002] "L & # 39; after treatment of the laser skin becomes red due to heat. The effect will be gone a day later. The use of makeup and kalam cream should be avoided. Diligent skincare will help diagnose the presence of hormonal spots on the skin more quickly, "he said

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