New Discoveries: Daily Citrus Consumption Prevents Loss of Vision

[ad_1] – It is widely known that fruits have many benefits for the human body.

Recent research confirms this. Australian research has shown that regular consumption of citrus every day can protect us from macular degeneration

Loss of view

The macula is part of the retina in the eye. eye and manage everything about central vision

When macular degeneration develops, people become unable to see what is right in front of them. Although not causing total blindness, the disease can make life more difficult.

The exact cause of macular degeneration is not yet known, but it is usually badociated with age. In most cases, the signs of conditions appear when people are in their fifties and sixties.

Reported by Tech Times Saturday (14/07/2018), because of that too, macular degeneration is (19459002)

One orange a day

People who eat at least a portion of oranges a day reduce the risk of macular degeneration by 60% 15 years later

"Basically, we found that people who ate at least a portion of oranges each day had a reduced risk of macular degeneration compared to people who never ate oranges, "said Bamini Gopinath, head of the study cited in Science Alert . 07.14.2018).

Read also: Drink citrus fruits while eating shrimps? Physicians say this myth

Not only that, eating a serving of grapefruit each week also has significant health benefits.

"Even eating citrus fruits once a week seems to offer significant benefits" To obtain these results, researchers badyzed data from the Blue Mounteins Eye study, a population study in Australia in 1992. [19659002Inaddition2037participantsaged50andoverwereaskedabouttheireatinghabits

The result, participants who reported eating oranges regularly were significantly less likely to have macular degeneration over a 15-year period.


The compound responsible for this is flavonoids.

Flavonoids are actually antioxidants found in almost all fruits and vegetables. This compound has an advantage in improving the anti-inflammatory and immune capacity.

The study, published in 19459006, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition then tested several other foods containing flavonoids, including tea, apples and grapes "

" We examined common foods containing flavonoids such as tea, apples, red wine and oranges, "said Gopinath.

19659002] Also to read: Where is the origin of Orange? Scientists now reveal his birthplace

"Significantly, the data show no badociation between other food sources that protect the eye from disease," he said

Especially to arrive at the root cause of macular degeneration, both biological and non-biological

"Our study aims to understand why ocular diseases occur, as well as the genetic and environmental conditions that threaten visualization. n ", said Gopinath. function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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