Nine children in Kudus contain HIV / AIDS


Kauman coordinator Eni Mardiyanti said, according to the data collected, that there were nine children with HIV / AIDS (Adha). The treatment to them is done monthly or as directed by the doctor. "Something is done once a week," he said yesterday.

Her mentoring is more confidential or personal. Thus, for the name Adha that accompanied, it is forbidden to announce the name of the child.

For mentoring for children at high risk of HIV / AIDS with prevention or prophylaxis. After the treatment, then performed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or a blood test.

Nine children, there is only one mother, only one father and some who still have a father and a mother. "Most children are born to parents who are casual workers whose parents have the same virus," he said.

While the nine children badociate with their peers, there is no sense of clumsiness. Because, indeed, they do not know what diidapnya. As for parents know, but his son should not know first. But playing only, it will not be contagious.

"Transmission to children, can occur during pregnancy, during delivery, or during badfeeding.Causes can be pbaded on to children by their parents," he explained

(ks / lis / lil / top / JPR)

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