Not all bad sweets, 3 traditional sweets C & # 39; is an example

[ad_1] – Treats are known by almost everyone as sweet foods that are virtually eaten anytime. It is said, by eating sweets, a person can concentrate more because the chewing movement makes mouth. When you're tired, eating coffee sweets can also help us feel cooler.

Not only is a modern sweet made in a big factory. Indonesian traditional sweets also have an advantage that does not kidding. It also tastes great with mbad production candies.

# Ginger Candy
This candy is usually textured and slightly gooey, brown, with a grain of sugar. It is soft and warm is useful for overcoming nausea or motion sickness.

In addition, this candy is also delicious eaten when flu, cough and sore throat. Ginger also contains many nutrients, including magnesium, copper, potbadium, vitamin C, and natural antioxidants that nourish the body.

# Javanese sour candy
At first glance, tart candy looks like ginger candy. Usually acid candy shaped more round and dark brown. This candy texture is not too sticky and has a sweet and sour taste. Sour candies contain a lot of vitamins C, A and B1, as well as calcium, iron and phosphorus that are useful for treating coughs, canker sores and even fever.

# Milk candies
Bandung, specifically in the Lembang region, we will easily find small, brownish box-shaped soft candies made from fresh milk. Because the main ingredient is milk, it contains calcium and is essential for maintaining bone and dental density.

Source: Tempo

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