Not crazy! Talking to yourself is good for you: Okezone Lifestyle


KABAR good for those of you who like to mumble or even talk to each other. According to experts, it's good for mental health and does not always mean showing signs of mental disorders. Why is it?

Based on the results of the study, consciously or unconsciously, we often talk to each other. "Where's the key," "I'll be late," or "Am I attractive?" Are words that often go through the head and that we say unconsciously out loud.

Some psychotherapists say, express what is in your mind to help conquer the situation that is and will be confronted. A number of health professionals and practitioners routinely practice this when they help their clients.

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Reporter of Times of India Tuesday (3/7/2018), this practice is supposed to help develop a positive view of the customer. By telling us our inner thoughts, the inner monologue expresses all our choices of behavior, emotional states and even later thoughts.

Just as we constantly judge and have negative and critical attitudes, our minds will know when they murmur unconsciously. Well, when we realize that we are negative, there will be an opportunity to correct those thoughts.

The study was conducted by Michigan State University on the activity of 29 students. Respondents were asked to look at some neutral images, which made them feel uncomfortable.

They were also asked to explain what they felt when they were first and third person. The result, while speaking as a third, participants can regulate emotions and relieve stress.

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Experts say that the healthiest way to stay alert mentally is to write forces, positive attributes in oneself and things that make you grateful on a scrap of paper. Then you read it aloud in front of the mirror. You can not like it the first time, but do it regularly until you get used to it.

Even if you feel depressed, angry or frustrated, it is always advisable to do so. With a positive approach, you will more easily overcome the negative thoughts that hang on you.


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