Not only for lack of sleep, it causes the black eye pouch according to the medical


TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM – Did you know that dark circles under the eyes have nothing to do with sleep deprivation.

This circle is not always black, but a combination of several color tones.

Dr. certified dermatologist

"Because the skin around the eyes is very thin, almost transparent, the blood collected under this area may be the result of blood flow under the skin." Dendy Engelman Highly Visible, ".

He added that dark circles can also be caused by fatigue or by the side effects of aging

" As we age, we lose subcutaneous fat that can cover blindness under the surface of the skin. "

" Some people have dark circles because of hyperpigmentation-induced chronic friction of the eyes, sun exposure or genetic factors, "he explains

a kind of dark circle of the eye caused by different things, which moms must know

The color of dark circles is divided into bluish, red-purple, brownish-black and like a shadow.

bluish under the eyes is usually caused by lack of sleep or allergies.

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