Not only lose weight, the keto diet also helps to overcome acne

[ad_1] – Being overweight is often a problem for those who experience it. Finally determination wants to lose weight began to think. In modern times like this, many types of diets that you can do to cut off all body fat. one of them is the keto diet.

In fact, what is the keto diet? This keto diet has a low carbohydrate and high fat diet. Those who follow a keto diet reduce their carbohydrate consumption and increase their consumption of fat, with a moderate protein intake

The goal of this high-fat intake was to allow the body to achieve nutritional conditions. ketosis. It is a condition in which the body will burn fat and become a source of energy. The fat here is also converted to ketones in the liver which will be the energy to supply to the brain.

But you know, this keto diet is not just about losing weight, but also about overcoming acne. This is because the foods eaten during this keto diet contain more than fitronutrein, a protective substance found in plants can improve the overall health of the skin.

Unlike if you eat foods that are berkabohidrat or other processed foods hormones and bacterial growth help to worsen the condition of the skin. The skin is the body's largest organ, it makes sense when the diet also affects the appearance of the skin.

The foods eaten each day will stimulate the production of excess hormones and oil. Later, will cause the growth of bacteria and cause poor skin health. Therefore, the health of the skin also depends on what you eat every day yes.

So, how to make the keto diet work properly? You only need to eat foods made from green vegetables, fish and meat. But look at it, of course, there will be dietary changes.

Perhaps at the beginning of a diet keto emergent various complaints such as soft body, anxious, difficulty to sleep and even nausea. However it is a common thing because the body is in adjustment. After that, you'll get used to it.

However, not everyone is suitable for this diet. The state of the body also affects the procedure as the diet is good to run. Therefore, first identify the plan that suits you.

Source: [mg2]

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