Not only the risk reduction of diabetes, the consumption of red rice proves to have 10 other benefits


Report by Bangka Pos reporter Idandi Meika Jovanka

BANGKAPOS.COM – Brown rice is rich in nutrients, protein, fiber and vitamins that are thought to have many benefits for the body.

It's just that the level of consumption in Indonesia is not more than white rice.

Qi Sun, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, called Asians 90% of white rice consumption.

This makes Asians more likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes if they consume excessively.

Given the high content of the glycemic index (GI).

According to Self Nutrion data, every 100 grams of brown rice contain dieter fiber or 2 grams of dietary fiber, against zero white rice.

So the low glycemic index (GI) content.

Here are 10 reasons why brown rice should be consumed based on information reported by

Improve heart health

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