Note that the contents of the katuk leaves that make the milk is heavy

[ad_1], Jakarta After delivery, many badfeeding mothers eat katuk leaves, which are believed to facilitate bad milk production (ASI). However, many badfeeding mothers do not yet know the contents of katuk leaves, which can increase milk production.

A research of Sa & # 39; roni, Sadjamin et al, with the title EEfficacy of Sauropus androgynous leaf extract in improving maternal bad production status become a scientific proof of katuk leaves. The Katuk leaf extract can increase the amount of ASI production by 50.7%.

According to the doctor who is also an activist for ASI fighters, Ameetha Drupadi, katuk leaves contain many nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin A, B, C. These green leaves can increase the hormone prolactin, which can increase milk production.

"Katuk leaves contain steroids and polyphenols that can increase prolactin levels or ASI smoothing hormones.High levels of prolactin will increase, accelerate and facilitate the production of ASI," said Ameetha at launch. from the natural supplement of ASI, Lactaboost, in Jakarta some time ago.

However, the mother does not just mean eating katuk leaves while badfeeding. Make sure that other needs such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fruits are also present.

"So, the best intake is a balanced diet with calories maintained, which is about 2,800 calories a day," said Ameetha.

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