Odor of the mouth and similar symptoms of itching of high cholesterol symptoms


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The symptoms of hypercholesterolemia can be detected first. Cholesterol is a lipid in all the cells of our body.

While most people only know about the harmful effects, cholesterol is also important for optimizing the body.

Cholesterol is necessary for the production of bile, responsible for the digestion of fats.

Although cholesterol has good benefits, too much production can cause irreparable damage.

In addition, many people do not realize that they have high cholesterol levels. As a result, this can cause more serious health problems.

For this you need to know the following 10 symptoms of hypercholesterolemia:

1. Swelling and numbness of limbs

Swelling and numbness of the limbs is one of the first symptoms of high cholesterol.

This reaction occurs because lipid accumulation disrupts the circulation.

2. smell of the mouth

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