Office of Health: 14 districts of Papua are exposed to measles epidemics


Jayapura (Antaranews Papua) – Health Unit (Dinkes) The province of Papua says 14 districts in the province are subject to extraordinary events (KLB).

Section of Survivors and Vaccination Dinkes Papua Togu Sihombing at Jayapura on Saturday, the regencies included Peak, Puncak Jaya, Dogiyai, Deiyai, Intan Jaya, Nduga, Yalimo and Mamberamo Raya.

"The 14 districts do not routinely report the progress of their immunization report to Dinkes Papua," he said. Vaccination is good and reports are regularly submitted to Dinkes Papua, namely the districts of Mappi and Boven Digoel.

In order to overcome the epidemic in 14 districts, she formed a socialization team related to the importance of measles immunization. "The trained team has also campaigned for MR benefits in these districts," he said.

Togu mentions not only socialization and the campaign, the team also regularly reported on progress of vaccination reported to DHO

. "The team also reminded the districts that children who can not get vaccinated will be measles outbreaks," added Togu.

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